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LIVE: Chelsea face Lille in Champions League last 16

Saves 0
  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 1
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 1
  • 1 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 1
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 1

  • Shots 3
  • 2 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assist 1
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Saves 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Saves 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

Goals 0

  • Shots 0
  • 0 Shots on Target
  • Fouls Committed 0
  • 0 Fouls Against
  • Assists 0
  • Offsides 0
  • Discipline
    • 0 Yellow
    • 0 Red

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