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Saffas spend time together after IPL clash

While they may all play for different IPL teams, a host of South African cricketers and support staff took time after the match between the Chennai Super Kings and the Delhi Capitals to spend a few moments together.

And Kagiso Rabada (Delhi Capitals) took to Instagram to record the moment, posting a picture showing himself, Anrich Nortje (Delhi Capitals), Faf du Plessis (CSK), Eric Simons (CSK bowling consultant), Greg King (CSK fitness consultant), Imran Tahir (CSK) and Lungi Ngidi (CSK) after the match.

Rabada has had a stellar IPL so far, taking 19 wickets in just nine games.

In the process, he has set a new IPL record by reaching 50 wickets quicker than any other bowler in the history of the tournament. 

Rabada isn’t the only South African setting the world alight as Du Plessis, Nortje, AB de Villiers, Quinton de Kock and Chris Morris have also excelled throughout the tournament.

See Rabada’s instagram post below

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